CS 260 Data Structures - Syllabus

Term and Credits

Summer 2016-2017
3 Credits

Room and Time

Section 002 - Monday 6:00pm-8:50pm UC153
Section 004 - Tuesday 6:30pm-9:20pm UC151
Section 005 - Monday 6:00pm-8:50pm RUSH006


Professor Mark Boady
Electronic Mail Address: mwb33@drexel.edu
Office: University Crossings 138
Extention: 215-895-2347
Office Hours: Monday 4-5pm, Tuesday 4-5pm
Sections: 002 and 004

Professor David Augenblick
Electronic Mail Address: augenbdh@drexel.edu
Office: University Crossing 134
Extention: 215-895-4910
Office Hours: TBD
Sections: 005

Teaching Assistant(s)

Rachel Goeken
Electronic Mail Address: rmg92@drexel.edu.edu
Office: Drexel CLC UC 152
Office Hours: Thursday 4-6pm
Sections: Grader for 002 and 004 (Prof. Boady)

Adam Feldscher
Electronic Mail Address: aff39@drexel.edu
Office: Drexel CLC UC 152
Office Hours: Monday 2-4pm, Wednesday 4-6PM
Sections: Grader for 005 (Prof. Augenblick)

Course Description

Data structures form the basics for the programmer's toolbox. You will become familiar with the basic common data structures, and learn to modify them or create your own. Further, the notion of data abstraction is important from several aspects. You will start down the road of separating interface from implementation, to viewing a problem simply in terms of functional requirements and dependencies (or lack of). On the flip side, we will explore various issues involved in implementing a given interface.

Course Objective and Goals

  1. Understand what an algorithm is.
  2. Master the ability to analyze the complexity of programs and algorithms. Understand recurrence relations and sums and basic asymptotic analysis.
  3. Understand algorithms and abstract data types. In particular, understand sets, stacks, queues, priority queues, dictionaries, binary search trees, hash tables, arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and heaps.
  4. Understand what basic operations each data structure supports and why one might choose one over another.
  5. Understand data abstraction and recursion, both in the context of procedures and of data types.

Audience and Purpose within Plan of Study

This is required course for CS BS students and CS Minor Students. It is generally taken sophomore year.


What Students Should Know Prior to this Course

  1. Students should be able to program in a high level language (C++, Java, Python, etc)
  2. Familiarity with basic data structures such as vectors and arrays.
  3. Familiarity with object oriented design principles.

What Students will be able to do upon Successfully Completing this Course: Statement of Expected Learning

  1. Students will be able to analyze data structures.
  2. Students will understand a set of fundamental algorithms and how to apply them.
  3. Students will understand basic data structures and how to apply them to different situations.


Data Structures and Algorithms
Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, John E. Hopcroft
ISBN-10: 0201000237
ISBN-13: 978-0201000238
See it on Amazon

Grading and Policies

Final grades will be determined by your total points weighted according to this distribution. Grades may be curved but are generally computed via the formula below. It may be modified at the instructor's sole discretion, but letter grades will generally not be lower than those shown here.

Academic Honesty Policy

The CCI Academic Honesty policy is in effect for this course. Please see the policy at http://drexel.edu/cci/resources/current-students/undergraduate/policies/cs-academic-integrity/ .

Punishments for those caught violating the Academic Honesty Policy include, but are not limited to

Submitting Assignments

Assignments must be completed in Python 3.

Assignments will be submitted to learning.drexel.edu by 11:59PM on the date they are due. Grades will be reported via learning.drexel.edu.

Assignments and exams will be returned on a regular basis to provide feedback to students.

Assignments may be submitted late at 10% penalty per day UNTIL 6pm on the first Monday following the due date. Selected assignment answers will be reviewed in class. After this late deadline NO submissions will be accepted unless there are special circumstances.

Special Circumstances: If you have a documented reason why you cannot submit a homework by the cut-off deadline, a special exception may be made. The Professor may also wave the late submission penalty for documented special exceptions.


Quizzes will be given at the END of class in the weeks noted.

If a quiz is missed, it must be taken within 1 week of the original quiz. Contact the TA to schedule a makeup.

Special Exceptions may be made, but require documentation.


  1. Arrays
  2. Trees
  3. Graphs
  4. Dictionaries/ Hash Tables
  5. Algorithm Analysis

Computer/Software Help
iCommons: http://drexel.edu/cci/about/our-facilities/rush-building/iCommons/

University Policies
In addition to the course policies listed on this syllabus, course assignments or course website, the following University policies are in effect:

Tentative Course Schedule

Please see the appropriate assignment webpages for a detailed description of course deliverables.

Week Topic Reading Assignment
1 (June 26, 2017) Analysis of Algorithms / Solving Recurrence Relations Chapters 1.3, 1.4, 9 HW1 Assigned
2 (July 3, 2017)
No Class Tuesday
Arrays, lists; stacks and queues Chapters 2.1-2.4 HW1 Due July 7 11:59PM
3 (July 10, 2017) Sorting (Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quicksort) Chapters 8.2-8.4 HW2 Due July 14 11:59PM
Quiz 1 - (On Week 1 Material)
4 (July 17, 2017) Trees; Huffman coding Chapter 3 HW3 Due July 21 11:59PM
Quiz 2 - (On Week 2 & 3 Material)
5 (July 24, 2017) BSTs, Tries, Heaps (Priority Queues) Chapters 5.1-5.3, 4.10, 8.4 HW4 Due July 28 11:59PM
6 (July 31, 2017) Graphs - Intro to Graphs DFS, BFS Chapter 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 7.1, 7.3 HW5 August 4 Due 11:59PM
Quiz 3 - (On Material Week 4 & 5 Material)
7 (August 7, 2017) Graphs - Minimum Spanning Trees (Prim, Kruskal) and Sets Chapter 4.2-4.4, 7.1, 7.2 HW6 Due August 11 11:59PM
8 (August 14, 2017) Dijkastra (SSSP), Floyd-Warshall (APSP) Chapter 6.3-6.4, 10.2 HW7 Due August 18 11:59PM
Quiz 4 - (On Material Week 6 & 7 Material)
9 (August 21, 2017) Hash Tables, Dictionaries Chapters 4.5-4.8 HW8 Due August 25 11:59PM
10 (August 28, 2017) Final - During Regular Class Session
Final Exam covers entire term.
11 (September 4, 2017) No Class - Happy Labor Day!