This is a two-part series on the math foundations and basic concepts related to Quantum Programming presented to the Women in Computing Society.
If you want to see a compact "Quantum Computers are Cool" talk, you can start with this talk
Mark Boady
Assistant Teaching Professor
College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University
University Website
Person Website
In this workshop we will examine the linear algebra foundations needed to understand and design quantum algorithms. We will see how vectors are used to represent the state of a quantum system. We will also examine how each gate in a quantum system can be represented by a matrix. The basic gates and structures of a quantum system will be examined.
Qiskit is IBM's Python Library for quantum computation. This workshop will go over all the basic components of a Quantum Circuit. We will look at how to combine gates together to make circuits and how superposition can link Qubits. The basic gates, circuits, and tools of the Qiskit library will be examined.